Give The Holy Spirit Just 1 Week, And He'll Upgrade Your Self Image So That You Can See Yourself Exactly Like Your Heavenly Father Sees You Every Single Day!
You will discover what it's like to be FIRST LOVED
 If Jesus Said You Are To Love Others Like You Love Yourself, Then Loving Yourself Must Be Kind Of A Big Deal To Jesus!Â
From the Desk of Greg Kurjata
Edmonton AB
Dear Friend;
I surveyed hundreds of people over a period of 15 years and asked them two questions:
Question one: Do you believe that God loves you?Â
Over 98% said yes they believed that God loves them. And I bet you're one of them.Â
Almost every time, this happened:Â
It was in their eyes... I could see what they were thinking ..."God is supposed to love me because He's God, but I'm sure He doesn't because of all the stuff I'm doing wrong in my life..."
Then I would ask the second question: Do you love yourself like God loves you?Â
They would reply, “Nope… I don't love myself like God loves me.”Â
In fact ONLY 20% of the people that I talked with said that they loved themselves. I couldn’t hardly believe this… but it kept happening.
Listen, If you struggle with insecurity, self judgment and condemnation, and are your own worst critic, then the God First Process can help you clean up that mental mess.
It will upgrade your self image to one that MATCHES HOW GOD THINKS ABOUT YOU EVERY DAY!
I created the God First Process as a way to teach you HOW and WHY God loves you, and HOW and WHY you can LOVE YOURSELF in the SAME WAY.
Because frankly, The only way that you're going to get truly free is when you love, value, trust, honour, and respect, the person that God loves, values, trusts, honours and respects - starting with yourself. Period. Full Stop.
But it isn't about pulling up your own mental boot straps to where you have warm and fuzzy feelings about yourself - it’s much deeper than that.Â
It's The WAY That God Loves And Trusts You That Defines Your Identity.
It’s WHY He Loves And Respects You That Establishes Your Value.
It’s HOW He Loves You That Releases Your Potential For A Successful Life.
You Honour Him When You Love Yourself Like He Loves You.Â
We talk about all of this in detail during the intensive.
But why should you listen to me? Well, let me tell you.
First of all, I’m just an ordinary guy who is passionate about the goodness of God. I'm an author, a communicator, a course creator, and co-founder of the JCH Online Platform which hosts weekly broadcasts and the monthly free 5 Day Salvation Challenge where over 143,000 people have participated, and thousands of their loved ones have come to Jesus! Plus a free 3 Day Build A New Comfort Zone Challenge that helps people to discover and use the power that God has delegated to them for a successful life.
I got saved when I was 20 years old and within a year and a half sold everything I had and moved to Houston Texas, because I wanted to experience the power of God.
When I got there I discovered this: I was also trying to run away from my problems.
My problems followed me all the way to Texas. LOL
One of my problems was that I didn't like myself very much at all. Mostly because of all of the mistakes that I had made while I was a teenager. You see, I wasn't a very good guy. I did a lot of drugs, sex and rock 'n' roll and I hurt a lot of people.
And even though it was from before I gave my life to Jesus, the beliefs I held about myself were still hanging on and causing me daily frustration.
I had a bad habit of beating myself up in my mind. I would berate and demean myself until I felt like a pile of - you know what - but I couldn’t seem to stop myself from doing it. Can you relate to this?
One day, while I was in the middle of telling myself how terrible of a person I was for making yet 'another' mistake, I said to God, “What do you think about me?”Â
AÂ Thought Filled My Mind As Big As The State Of Texas, And I Heard God Say To Me,
“I Think You Are Wonderful.”
I was stunned. Speechless.
He stopped me right in my tracks.
At first I couldn't believe that this was what God thought of me. But that thought wouldn't go away. It stayed in my mind for three full days.
For 2 full days I kept thinking, how can God think I'm wonderful? Then on the third day I changed the question.
If God Thinks I’m Wonderful, Then What Is He Seeing In Me That I’m Missing?
This was the beginning of my discovery of The God First Process. And it transformed my life.
Over the years when I was a youth pastor, then later a pastor of a church, then later an online community leader, I would ask my 2 questions over and over again. Same results every time. Then I would teach the God First Process.
And now, 39 years after that first 3 DAY THOUGHT, we bring you The God First Process On Demand Intensive.
In the God First Process you'll discover:Â
- God's reasons for why he loves you. His list is different than yours, and when you see His list you'll "get it", and feel amazing right away!
- How to get past the pain of a dysfunctional background and get your power and confidence back. The fear of rejection gets punted to the curb after this!
- An effective strategy to stop being mean to yourself. You'll discover what God thinks of you. Then you can stop being your own worst enemy. And it's easier than you may think.
- How you function as a human being - for example: how your brain works to store feelings with memories. Or how your comfort zone functions to protect and expand you. Knowing this helps you to speed up your spiritual growth process.
- 3 ways to make new ideas about YOU a part of your life. You'll know what real peace is when you get these ideas working in the ordinary moments of your day.
- How to engage with the Holy Spirit in a way that puts your spiritual progress into overdrive. You can feel born again - AGAIN!
- and much more
Register today for this powerful transformation experience by clicking the button below.
When You Take This Intensive You Equip Yourself With Tools For Successful Living For The Rest Of Your Life

What are you worth to God standing still breathing air? No performance. Just you. Wait til you see His reasons for why He loves you. You'll be shocked at what they are.

When you understand how God has wired you, you'll discover the master key that opens ALL the doors! Get ready for breakthroughs in all areas of your life!

The process is simple but profound in its application. Love is the greatest of all things and the process works there. Wait til you see all the other ways it works!

There are three parts to idea integration into your life. This session will provide you with the framework to transform how you think and feel about yourself.
What You Get With The Intensive
- Lifetime access to the God First Process Intensive videos to watch at your own pace and schedule.
- A Student Workbook that will help you to organize your thoughts and ahah moments from the Lord.
- MP3 Audio downloadable files for your phone to take with you where you want and not have to burn any data.
- Plus: Monthly Live Q&A on Zoom - you'll be part of a community of like minded people on a similar journey as you.Â
- Q&A Videos uploaded for you so that you can watch any time, especially when you can't make the live zoom sessions.
- Private Facebook Group so you can ask questions, share your discoveries and testimonies, interact with other community members. You'll have a place to belong and be seen.
- Activation videos and Affirmation MP3 Audios.
- (COMING SOON) 2 new sessions, and more.
Your Presenter
Greg Kurjata has developed the God First Process over the last number of decades. As he has taught this in various ministry setting over the years, thousands of people have been impacted by the concepts that this intensive will reveal to you. Greg is married to Val, and together they have 2 adult and married daughters who help them in their business and work online. Greg and Val are founders of JCH Online (Justice and the Courts of Heaven) and host weekly JCH Online broadcasts (#jchonline) and the monthly 5 Day Salvation Challenge. Thousands have been saved through the 5DSC.