Are you experiencing backlash because you did spiritual warfare?
New Book Reveals...


Win The Battle Legally In The Court Of Heaven Without Any Backlash
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So... How Do You Do Spiritual Warfare The Right Way So That You Don't Get Pounded By Backlash And Spiritual Counter Attacks All The Time?

From: Greg Kurjata
Edmonton AB

Let me know if you can relate with this...

You go to a prayer meeting and you really go after the devil and do battle against the forces of darkness.

You break the power of the enemy, rebuke him, bind him, declare the word of God, and cast demons out of the region.

Then over the next couple of days, all hell breaks loose in every person's life that was at the prayer meeting.

When you talk with each other you say things like, "Wow, with all this - you know what - hitting the fan, the devil sure must be mad!" 

And then you laugh it off, and try to wear it like a badge of honor.

But it's not that funny.

Because You Notice A Creeping, and regrettably, Dark Oppression Come Over Your Heart And Mind. Your Joy Goes Away, And You Feel Like You ALWAYS HAVE TO BE FIGHTING To Just Get By. 

Is this something that you've gone through?

Me too.

Until the Holy Spirit showed me a better way.



When you make petitions in court, there is no backlash or counter attacks. 

In fact, there is NOTHING THE ADVERSARY CAN DO to go against a ruling from the court of heaven.

Just like there are laws that govern the community where you live, there are laws that govern the spiritual realm.

And just because you have been 'authorized" by the word of God and the name and blood of Jesus, does not mean that you can do whatever you want in the spiritual realm.

Like a police officer. 

A police officer is legally authorized to enforce the law in a community. However, he cannot do whatever he wants. The only actions he can take are those authorized by a court.

When You Experience Backlash And Counter Attacks That Means You Have Done Something Illegal In The Spiritual World.

You need to learn how to do this legally.

You still do battle, but instead of being out "on the field" so to speak, you are fighting in the court.

Then with the ruling of the court you destroy the works of the devil 'on the field' of battle.

The result is no backlash.

So... What is Doing Spiritual Warfare The Right Way All About

(and how can it help to end backlash in your life?)

This book is about showing you a better way to engage in intercession and spiritual warfare.

It will show you how the courts of heaven exist and how they function. 

You'll learn how to keep yourself and the ones you love safe from the attacks of the adversary.

When you do spiritual warfare legally, through the courts of heaven, there is peace.

Matt 5:9 says this: "How blessed are those who make peace! For they shall be called sons of God."

Making peace is radically different than keeping the peace. Keeping the peace is about avoiding conflict and accommodating someone else's dysfunction sometimes.

Making Peace Is About Establishing What Is Just And Righteous In A Situation.

When you do intercession in the courts of heaven, and you deal with the adversary legally. 

He HAS TO COMPLY with the ruling of the court.

He has no choice.

He knows this... AND YOU SHOULD KNOW THIS.

WHEN YOU DO, his deceptive counter attacks are a thing of the past.


When You Get This Book You'll Discover These Important Truths...

Inside How To Do Spiritual Warfare The Right Way I will be sharing spiritual realities that will empower you to take action to end the harassment of the adversary in your life.

Here's a sneak peak at what you'll find inside your book:

  •  Where The Adversary Gets His Power - knowing this ends his ability to hurt you and gives you peace of mind because you have control over this.
  • The Pathways In The Scriptures You Can Use To Go Into The Heavenly Realm. You'll learn what some of them are, and how to walk on them. When you do this… Watch out… Your passion for God will go through the roof. 
  • How You Can Operate Legally In The Courts Of Heaven. You'll get the process I've used since 2006 and have had zero backlash since then - the same can happen for you.
  •  How To 'UNLEARN' Spiritual Warfare Tactics That Open The Door For Backlash And Counter Attacks. I was a card carrying member of this club. Just because someone famous teaches something, does not mean it's the best thing to do. You'll learn a better more productive way to pray this way.
  • The Lesson From Daniel 7 That Showed Me Exactly How The Adversary Is Shut Down. When you see this you'll get very happy. All the mystery around the kingdom of darkness will dissolve like cotton candy in the mouth of a 5 year old boy.
  • The Right Way To Do Spiritual Warfare. When you see the diagram you'll understand exactly why you have had problems after intercession.
  • How The Battle IS A LEGAL Battle. This one thing alone has been responsible for the freedom of thousands of people around the world.
  • Where The Courts Of Heaven Are Located In The Scriptures. You need to know this. Otherwise you are praying with both hands tied behind your back. You have access to all of them because they exist for YOUR VOICE TO BE HEARD.
  • A Spiritual Warfare Prayer Template Straight From 2 Chronicles 20. You'll learn how Jehoshaphat prayed the perfect justice prayer and how you can have the same outcome that they enjoyed.
  • And much more...

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