Exclusive One Time Offer Available Only For 5 Day Salvation Challengers!
Get $50 Off The Regular Price Of $147 And Pay Only $97 USD For Our JCH Online Video Course
Only Available During The 5 Day Salvation Challenge! PLUS Receive Over $200 USD in Special Bonuses If You Enrol Today!
When The Timer below hits zero... the course goes back to the regular price.
From the Desk of:
Greg and Val
Most Of The Problems You Face, Especially If There Is Injustice Involved, Can Likely Be Solved With A Ruling From The Courts of Heaven.
Jesus mentioned this when He was teaching his disciples one day... "The Father Will Rule In Your Favour And Quickly." (Luke 18:8)
The JCH Online Video Course was designed with you in mind.
The last thing you need is something complicated and difficult to understand.
What you need, is a step by step process that shows you in plain and simple language how to successfully obtain and execute rulings from the Courts of Heaven.
Now it doesn't matter what kind of problem you're dealing with right now. We've seen the Lord help people - just like you - with rulings that have given them results like this:
- Their loved ones have been saved, (like several thousand participants in our 5 Day Salvation Challenge) and this is after they had prayed for them over and over again - sometimes for decades. They're happier now that their loved ones are walking with Jesus. You'll learn how and why you can do this too.
- They received healing, including creative miracles. (like Nkhensani who was healed of an issue of blood, or Char who was healed of cancer). Even diseases like mental illness, congenital birth defects, diabetes, gut issues, chronic pain from accidents that happened years ago... having their life back to normal has been the greatest blessing. Having your life back to normal is what matters right now - our course will help you to get you on the right path.
- Finances - so many financial issues LOL. Inheritances restored, money repaid, back wages recovered, businesses prospered and so much more. Peace of mind will become your new comfort zone when this is functioning in your life - even if you have tried and failed many times at trying to trust the Lord for provision. A ruling from the Court of Heaven changes the rules of the game.
- Relationships were restored. They told us about how much nicer it was to not be fighting anymore. How nice it was to enjoy being together again without barriers between them. If you want this for yourself - it's here waiting for you.
- Injustices were settled once for all time. She said that she finally felt vindicated! She had suffered sexual and physical abuse as a child and never felt like anyone heard her or stood up for her. "After all these years - I feel like God has finally vindicated me and I feel at peace in my heart." Her face was beaming with joy. This can happen to you too, because you are God's favourite.
- Legal battles have been stopped or avoided. We even had one time when the case was before the courts and it did a full 180 in the favor of the person who went into the Court of Heaven for justice from the Lord. Can you imagine how happy they were? You'll sleep better at night if this were to happen for you.
- Generational curses and oaths have been broken and people were delivered. You'll learn how to legally deal with things like this to help yourself and other people the Lord will bring into your life. You'll never feel powerless again.
- and so much more
Maybe your situation is on this list.
Whatever the case may be, the power that is available to you through the Courts of Heaven cannot be ignored.
The solution to your problem is a ruling from the court of heaven for your specific situation - like the widow woman in Luke 18:1-8.
This woman had a problem. A man was trying to ruin her life by attacking the estate of her dead husband. This woman knew that if she could get a ruling from the court, that her problem would be over.
Armed with the court order, she would be able to force the man to stop attacking her life - or he would face imprisonment and possibly liquidation of all of his assets.
She went after the judge to give her a judgment.
She persisted until he said this: "I don't fear God and I don't care about people, but because this woman is such a pest, I will see to it that she gets justice..."
That ruling was the solution to her problem.
Then Jesus said this: 7 "Now won’t God grant justice to his chosen people who cry out to him day and night? Is he delaying long over them? 8 I tell you that he will judge in their favor, and quickly
God will JUDGE IN YOUR FAVOR - and it will happen quickly, if you know what to do and how to get into the Courts of Heaven.
That's what we will teach you how to do and it's easier than you may think.
Greg & Val

Justice & The Courts Of Heaven Online Video Course
This comprehensive online course will teach you what you need to know about getting real and tangible results in every area of your life through the Courts of Heaven.
ADD TUITION TO CART - ONLY $97 USDHere's What You Receive...
Streaming Video
54 Videos that cover all you need to know about the Courts of Heaven
Just over 14 hours (15 Sessions) of in-depth anointed teaching that is laid out in a simple, easy-to-understand, step by step process.
Each session is broken into about 15 minute segments so you can pick up where you leave off with no problems and use the video in your devotions
You can watch it on your computer, phone, or tablet - so you can take it with you wherever you go

MP3 Audio
MP3 audio file that you can download into your phone or onto your computer and listen to it any time, anywhere
Make low priority time - like driving to and from work - into high priority time by turning your vehicle into a rolling university
Turn your morning routine into inspiration and empowerment by listening to the lesson while you go through getting ready for the day.

PDF Notes
You’ll receive a full set of notes for each session and will have all of the key information readily available for when you are studying your bible
Create a binder for the entire course of Justice and the Courts of Heaven, and capture the insights the Holy Spirit teaches you
Each session has anywhere from 6 to 10 pages of notes - so you will have an excellent reference tool for years to come.

Follow-up Email
After each lesson you will receive an email outlining the steps of action you can take to assist you with applying what you are learning
This will enable you to get the most out of the course material and experience the full value of what you are learning
PLUS... if you have any questions about the material - send us an email - and we will answer it for you.
Check Out Some Testimonies Of What Has Happened As A Result Of Applying The Information From The Justice And The Courts Of Heaven Course…

Electrical Contractor Gets Blessed By Justice Prayer
Lee has a friend - we’ll call him Bill - who is an electrical contractor who was owed a lot of money from several jobs that he had completed work on. He was broke and frustrated. Lee ended up praying for Bill and asking God to bring justice into his situation.
Bill went to one of the builders that owed what Bill thought was $1500. They told him that they had made a mistake and owed him $15,000.
Within 7 days, all of his past due accounts we fully paid and his financial situation was completely changed. Bill told Lee that he should get him to pray for him more often

Boy Healed of Autism
I was working in a group home for severely abused children, we were the evaluation place. One boy had severe autism and a horrible home environment. He was 2 1/2 years old and had never spoken, never interacted with others and cried all the time.
I took his case into the Courts of Heaven and he not only started communicating, and doing things he had never done before but the Doctors assessed him as being a normal, healthy 2 1/2 year old.
His Doctor even admitted that it was a miracle.

Money Reclaimed
“I had sub-leased my studio space when I moved to Ontario, and the guy I leased to didn’t pay the rent. This went on for a couple of months - then he disappeared. I couldn’t find him and he owed me over $1,000.
Greg reminded me to take it to the Courts of Heaven. I did that, and the next day he called me - out of the blue, and I had my money the day after that! Praise God - it happened fast!”

National News Confirms
Justice Prayer
In Feb 2013 we had our Justice and the Courts of Heaven students step into the heavenly court and ask for justice for the children in Canada.
Within a couple of weeks this article appeared in the Globe and Mail showing that the Supreme Courts Chief Justice called for an overhaul of Family Law in Canada!
The initial request for the family law overhaul happened a week after the students went into the courts of heaven and asked for justice for the children and families in Canada.
This action went into law in 2018.
Session 1: Foundational Perspectives
Here you learn how the Word of God functions as a window, gateway and door into the unseen heavenly realities.
A single verse could be connected to an entire realm in heaven. You gain access into these realms through trust in the Word of the Lord.
You can change the frequency of your life through deep meditation in the Word of God. We teach you how to do this.
And so much more...
In fact, here's a list of the curriculum of the course
Session 1 - Foundational Perspectives
Session 2 - Courts of Heaven Basics
Session 3 - The Courts Part One
Session 4 - The Courts Part Two
Session 5 - How To See In The Spirit
Session 6 - The Heavenly Court Protocol
Session 7 - Praying Without Judgement
Session 8 - Withdrawing Judgement
Session 9 - The Scrolls
Session 10 - The Defendants Court Detail
Session 11 - Our Testimony in the Court
Session 12 - Courts Spiritual Warfare
Session 13 - Legally Protect Your Life
Session 14 - The Gateways of Your Being
Session 15 - Applications of the Courts

Bonus #1
Withdraw Judgement Prayer Guide and Template.
This downloadable PDF will provide you with the step by step instructions you need to activate what you will learn in Session 8 of the course. It teaches in very practical terms what it means to withdraw judgements, and then shows you the steps complete with a prayer template you can use while you are learning how to do this.
This Prayer Guide and Template has a $20 value - but if you enrol today you get it FREE.

Bonus #2
Injustice Locator Worksheet
This downloadable PDF will help you to locate areas of injustice that you have experienced in your life. It's the list of diagnostic questions that we use when we meet one on one with a person.Included with this PDF is a How To video that walks you through the worksheet and shows you how to use it.
Normally this sells for $27 - but if you enrol today you get it FREE

Bonus #3
Make Room For The Holy Spirit - 2 MP3 Set
Greg recorded this during a season of personal revival while he was pastoring a local church in Edmonton AB. It tells of the working of the Holy Spirit via the gifts of the Spirit and how you can cooperate with the Lord in releasing heaven on earth.
This 2 MP3 set sold for $20 - if you enrol today - you guessed it - you get it FREE

Bonus #4
How To Keep What You Have Received - 2 MP3 Set
Too often Christians receive a miracle from God only to have the symptoms return a few days later and steal their blessing. This teaching will teach you exactly what to do to stop that from ever happening again - OR - to know what to do when it happens so you can overcome.
This 2 MP3 set sold for $20 - but if you enrol today - yup - you also get this for FREE

Bonus #5
4 Curated JCH Online Messages
These messages are taken from the most viewed teaching from JCH Online broadcasts. They each contain teaching, activations, Q&A and prayers. Many people have been profoundly encouraged by engaging with Holy Spirit through these messages.
This set of messages has a value of $77 - (honestly its worth WAY more than that because of what it will do for you.) And if you enrol today you get this FREE.

Bonus #6
Resolve Conflict Streaming Workshop
This workshop was recorded live in 2018 and the results were amazing. You'll gain very practical ways to approach resolving the conflict in ways you may not have tried before. The workshop is just over 2 hours long and includes Q&A.
This workshop has a value of $37. And if you enrol today you get this FREE.

Justice & The Courts Of Heaven Online Video Course
This comprehensive online course will teach you what you need to know about getting real and tangible results in every area of your life through the Courts of Heaven.
YOU PAY ONLY $97 USDAnd yes... there is a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee, so there is no risk to you.

Here's What To Do Next
Click the offer below and enrol to gain immediate access to the JCH Student Group Area.
It only takes a minute, and you will be on the first steps of a life altering journey that will open up the heart of God to you like nothing I have ever seen before.
You’ll be glad you did.
When you order, you will be redirected automatically to the THANK YOU PAGE for the JCH Online Student Group Area. In addition, you’ll receive links in your email that will provide you with a copy of your receipt and login details for your course materials.
Thank you for joining us on this part of your journey with God.