The 5-Day Salvation Challenge
Discover An Ancient Way To Intercede Before The Throne Of God For Your Loved Ones To Come To Jesus...
And It Actually Works!
Thousands Have Come To Jesus!
5 Days, Just 90 Minutes A Day, Starting March 17th
Enter Your Name And Email Below To Join The Free Challenge
Join Now To Save Your Seat Before We Start On March 17th.
Interceding In The Courts Of Heaven For Your Loved Ones To Come To Jesus Is A LEGITIMATE WAY To Get Real Results In Prayer!
Why? Because...

- In The Courts of Heaven the adversary is defeated because you present your case before God as the Righteous Judge rather than just engaging in warfare. This removes the legal rights that the adversary is using to hinder your loved ones.
You receive favour and accelerated answers to prayer. Instead of waiting years for a breakthrough in your loved ones life, interceding in the Courts speeds up God's justice towards your loved ones. It's like Jesus said in Luke 18:7, "...I tell you that he will judge in their favour, and quickly!..."
- Intercession in the Courts is the kind of prayer that meets His approval because HE WANTS your loved ones to be saved and know the truth! (see: 1 Tim 2:1-4)
- God is inviting you to partner with Him for your loved ones to come to Jesus. Isaiah 59:16 says this: "He saw that there was no one, was amazed that no one interceded. Therefore his own arm brought him salvation, and his own righteousness sustained him." You and God are an unbeatable team!
You Can Finally Stop Stressing About When Your Loved Ones Are Going To Come To Jesus
Because the 5 Day Salvation Challenge Is Going To Show You How It's Possible To Intercede For Them In The Court Of Heaven - Without It Taking Years For The Answer To Come - You'll Get This During Our 5 Day Salvation Challenge!
(Click Here To Save Your Seat Before We Start On March 17th.)
Most likely, YES! Especially if at least ONE of these statements feels true for you...
- You have loved ones that don't know Jesus yet.
- You've prayed for them for a long time and nothing seems to be happening.
- You're frustrated that its taking so long for your prayers to be answered for their salvation.
- You truly want your loved ones to experience the love, peace, and joy of Jesus.
- You feel guilty that you haven't prayed more often for your loved ones salvation.
- You've never really prayed for them because you simply don't know how or where to even begin.
If you nodded or said "yes" to any of the above, then YES! This FREE 5 Day Salvation Challenge was designed to help you know exactly what to do and how to pray for salvation results.
(Click Here To Save Your Seat Before We Start On March 17th.)
From The Couple Who Have Trained Over 200,000+ People To Intercede For Their Loved Ones In The Court Of Heaven

From: Greg & Val
Dear Passionate Follower Of Jesus;
If you want to see your loved ones come to Jesus faster than you ever thought could be possible...
...then you're in the right place.
Here's The Story:
Hi there, I'm Greg. I come from a large family, 7 brothers and 7 sisters. All of my aunts and uncles had large families.
After I came to Jesus I wanted all of my loved ones to experience the joy, peace and love that I had found in Jesus.
I started by making a list of my loved ones. It took me over an hour to get through the list any time I prayed.
One week turned into two. Then one month turned into two. Then one year turned into two... and even with the hours and hours of prayer, they still had not come to Jesus!
Over 20 years passed and only my eldest brother and his wife had given their hearts to Jesus.
I was at a loss.
I walked in miracles, signs, and wonders. I led people to Jesus all the time. I was even in full time ministry as a lead pastor of a congregation!
Yet in this area of praying for my loved ones - it seemed like my prayers would only make it to the ceiling of my room.
Can you relate to this?
In 2006 the Holy Spirit took me to the Court of Heaven. (a different story that I share during our Challenge)
That experience revolutionized my life as I learned how to function in the court of heaven.
My prayer life went nuclear.
I would do something in the Court of Heaven and it would show up as a front page newspaper story.
It continues to be awesome!
Well, one day I got the old list out and - dutifully - began to pray for my loved ones like I had always done.
Right then the Holy Spirit asked me, "Why don't you use the Courts of Heaven to intercede for your loved ones to come to Jesus?"
"I didn't know I could do that!" I replied, "Please show me how."
Over the next couple of hours I was at the feet at the Spirit of God as He opened the scriptures to help me understand how to intercede in the court of heaven for salvation.
Then I did it.
Within 2 weeks one of my older sisters phoned me and asked if I would be her spiritual mentor.
"WHAT HAPPENED?" I almost shouted into the phone.
She told me, "Well, as you know we were at a business conference and John Maxwell was the keynote for the weekend sessions. On Sunday morning he did a Sunday service and at the end he asked if anyone wanted a closer relationship with Jesus. 'And if you do, come forward and I'll pray for you,' he said."
"I knew I wanted this, and I told my husband I was going up for the prayer. He said he wanted the same thing. So did my daughter and her husband, and my son and his wife, and our sister and her husband... and their daughters..."
By the end of that year 15 family members had come to Jesus!
In 2020 the Holy Spirit encouraged us to create the 5 Day Salvation Challenge to teach others what He had taught me.
Since then we have helped over 200,000 people from around the world to intercede for their loved ones to come to Jesus.
Thousands of THEIR loved ones have come to Jesus.
Your Loved Ones Could Be Next!
(Click Here To Save Your Seat Before We Start On March 17th.)
Join Greg & Val At The 5-Day
When you say 'yes" and join the FREE challenge today, we'll show you, in just 90 minutes a day for 5 days, how to prepare and intercede in the courts of heaven successfully, even if you have never done this before!
Here's What You Can Expect From The 5-Day Salvation Challenge
🕙 DAY 1
Blinded Minds: How You Can
Legally Stop The Adversary!
Until Your Loved Ones Eyes Are Opened, They Can't Respond
To Jesus. We show you how to open their eyes!
- It's like pulling back a curtain and getting to see what's really going
on in the invisible world. - You'll learn what it means to open someones eyes - like Paul
the Apostle was told to do by Jesus in Acts 26:18. - You'll discover how the adversary or anitdikos (greek word for
adversary) uses legal ways to keep your loved one bound. - You'll be encouraged by the Engels Evangelism Scale to recognize
where your loved ones might be on their journey to Jesus. - Plus a justice prayer template that caused a powerful result in
ancient bible days.

🕙 DAY 2
Stumbling Blocks: How You Can
Partner With God To Remove These
Learn How Pits, Traps And Snares In The Spirit Keep Your Loved
Ones In Deception - And What You Can Do About It!
- Discover how the adversary traps and deceives your loved ones.
- Learn the exact reasons why the way you have been praying has
not produced the results up to now. - Partner with the Holy Spirit and His angels to supernaturally
move your loved ones to where they need to be to hear about
the love of God. - Discover how Jesus established JUSTICE on the earth and
what that means to your loved ones salvation.

🕙 DAY 3
Withdraw Judgments: Avoid The #1
Mistake Christians Make In Prayer
This is the KEY for your loved ones to come to Jesus!
- Discover how it's the issues in your own heart towards the
person you are trying to pray for that sabotages your success. - Uncover your own heart attitudes towards the people you are
praying for - and change them - it's easier than you may think. - We do an activation in the heavenly court to withdraw judgments
you have made against others. Don't worry, we are with you
every step of the way. - I promise you - it's life changing.

🕙 DAY 4
Seed Of Destiny: Your
Thoughts And Words Matter!
How you think and speak about your loved one is important -
we show you a heavenly path to follow.
- Psalms 139:16 reveals that God has written a book about you.
All of your days are in it. - Learn how to recognize and water the seeds of destiny in
your loved ones life. - Discover how to engage with your heavenly book and your
own seeds of destiny. - Participate in an activation into the heavenly realm to acknowledge and
become saturated with the reality of the purposes of God for you. - By the end of this session you will be super encouraged about
the love and goodness of God toward you and your loved ones..

🕙 DAY 5
Present Your Case: Step Into
The Court Of Heaven And
Make Your Petition!
Everyday has been leading up to this powerful petition that YOU
will make in the heavenly court.
- Day 5 is the big day. This is the day that you experience
presenting your petition in the Courts of Heaven for the
salvation of your loved ones. - You are not alone, we will guide you each step of the way.
You cannot make a mistake and you will do this correctly. - God is happy that YOU are standing before His Throne asking
for the exact thing that is His personal passion -
salvation to be claimed and enjoyed. - Be prepared to be amazed at what God does. This is when He
shows off how good, kind and compassionate He is in the lives
of the people you have prayed for.

But Hurry! The FREE Challenge
Is Starting Soon...
We’ll all be together starting Monday, March 17th, 2025. Which means you need to save your seat now to make sure you don’t miss it.
Don’t Wait! Join the FREE 5 Day Salvation Challenge Right Now!
Join The FREE 5 Day Salvation Challenge ▹▹▹(Click Here To Save Your Seat Before We Start On March 17th.)
Who's Running This Challenge?

Greg & Val Kurjata
"We're looking forward to connecting with you in this upcoming 5 Day Salvation Challenge. We want to take a second to tell you a bit about us.
Our life mission is to persuade you to engage with God's eternal vision of who and what you are to Him, and be transformed by His goodness.
We've been involved in every aspect of church life you can name, and are so excited about what God has done through the 5 Day Salvation Challenge. Thousands of salvations have happened, and thousands of lives have been transformed.
We founded the JCH Online Community platform and cover various social media channels like Facebook, YouTube, X, Instagram and TikTok. We provide resources like courses and trainings in various areas, with transformation as the focus.
We're excited that you're checking out the 5 Day Salvation Challenge. It's evidence of your response to our heavenly Father as He calls for people to intercede for His lost children.
Join today. You'll be glad that you did."
Greg and Val
(Click Here To Save Your Seat Before We Start On March 17th.)
Here's What People Are Saying About The 5 Day Salvation Challenge!
Tammi D.
I prayed for my nephew 6 months ago in the 5DSC, he has recommitted his life to Jesus and is being baptized on Sunday! 🎉🎉🎉
My friend had cancer and was not into God. I prayed for her during one of the 5DSC's about 3 months ago. 3 weeks ago she gave her heart to Jesus and passed away today. Praise God she's safe with her Lord ❤️ 😭
2 of my boys gave their lives to Jesus when I took the Challenge 2 years ago, and they are on fire for God now. I can't thank you and Val enough for doing this.

In 5 Days, Gain Unshakable Confidence That Your Prayers Are Heard—and Answered—Through the Power of the Holy Spirit.
By Friday you'll be able to confidently make your petition in the Courts of Heaven for your family and friends to be saved. Don't worry, it's easier to do than what you may think. Each day will build on the next until you know what and how to confidently make YOUR OWN petition in the Courts of Heaven!
We'll Help You Do This, In Just 5 Days.
Join the 5 Day Salvation Challenge Now!
(Click Here To Save Your Seat Before We Start On March 17th.)
Ready To Finally Make That "Faith" Connection For Your Prayers To Be Answered For Your Loved Ones Salvation?

- Frustrated by years and years of unanswered prayer for the salvation of your loved ones.
- Feeling at a loss about how to 'move the needle' in their journey to Jesus
- Afraid of taking action because you might do 'the wrong thing'
- Constantly judging your loved ones behaviour and attitudes.
- Confused as to why God has not answered your prayers when you have been a good person and Christian by 'doing all the right things.'
- Feeling guilty about your 'lack of trust' in God to answer your prayers for the salvation of your loved ones.

- Filled with HOPE now that you know of a better more predictable way to pray.
- Excited to see how God moves in the life of your loved ones in the days ahead.
- Free in your heart because you don't feel the need to judge them any more.
- Grateful to God that you now know about the Courts of Heaven and how they function for salvation.
- Happy that you feel the love of God at a whole new level, and excited to let others see His love in you.
- A refreshed and renewed spiritual passion for Jesus!
- 5 days of learning about the proven way to intercede in the Court of Heaven for your loved ones to come to Jesus - aka the legitimate way to stop the adversary from ruining your loved ones lives!
- Step by step training videos each day of the challenge (including daily replays if you can't attend one of the sessions)
- Hands on activations throughout the week to become more comfortable with engaging the heavenly realm where the Courts of Heaven are located.
- The exact strategy to use to withdraw judgments - whether it's for yourself or for your loved ones - this is the KEY to results in the Kingdom of God.
🎁 Free Gift #1: a chance to win a FREE 5 Day Salvation Challenge VIP Experience on DAY 1. This gives you access to a live Zoom Small Group with Greg and Val and all of the other VIPer's. These Zoom sessions happen right after the main session at 12:30 PM MDT. With it you will also receive lifetime access to the videos of this Challenge along with all of the MP3 audios, slides and PDFs.
🎁 Free Gift #2: a chance to win $300 USD gift card that you can use for almost everything in our store on DAY 4. In there we have courses and workshops to help your life be transformed by the love and goodness of God.
🎁 Free Gift #3: a chance to win 3 full months of unlimited access to our Platinum Partnership on DAY 5. You get 30% off almost everything in our store, free enrolment into our Justice and the Courts of Heaven Online Course on the Courts of Heaven, monthly targeted justice prayer sessions, quarterly Prophetic Days and Live Virtual Events, and much more.
Normally: $2024
Join The 5 Day Salvation Challenge For FREE!(Click Here To Save Your Seat Before We Start On March 17th.)
5-Day FREE Virtual Event: The Salvation Challenge
Monday - Friday @ 10:00am MDT / 12:00PM EST
March 17th - 21st, 2025
90 minutes per day
So you can finally discover how easy and effective it is to intercede in the Court of Heaven for your loved ones to come to Jesus!
Common Questions About The 5 Day Salvation Challenge...
Click any of the questions to see the answer
The Time will not work for me at 10:00am Mountain. Can I Still participate?
Where will the challenge take place?
I don't know how to intercede in the court of heaven and I don't want to make a mistake... can I still do this?
Is there a way that I can learn more about the courts of heaven from Greg and Val?
(Click Here To Save Your Seat Before We Start On March 17th.)