Discover The Easy Way To End Procrastination By Using This Little Known Technique.
For A Limited Time Get 50% Off The Regular Price Of $30 USD And Gain Instant Access To This Mini Workshop For Only $15 USD When You Use This Code: EASY50
"In One Hour, I'll Show You Exactly Why You Procrastinate And The 'Super Easy Way' To Permanently End Procrastination In Your Life - So You Can Feel Like A Super Hero Living A Super Productive Life."
From the Desk of Greg Kurjata
Calgary AB
On a beautiful day...
Dear Friend,
Ending procrastination in your life is not as complex as you may think.
You just need to know what you're looking for and what to do with that thing when you find it.
I assume you've tried a bunch of things already right?
In the words of Dr. Phil,
"How's that workin for ya?"

Set Yourself Free From Procrastination In Just One Hour!
Hit That Button Below To Get Started. Use this coupon code: EASY50 to get 50% off the regular price of $30 USD.
I used to be a world champion procrastinator.
Until one day a friend of mine showed me this diagram...

It looks super simple right?
When he explained what was going on with my procrastination, the solution showed up - and it was so obvious.
I share the whole thing in this mini workshop: The Easy Way To End Procrastination.
And I can promise you, when you see how easy the solution is, you'll do a face palm, and your inside voice will say, "It's so obvious... why didn't I think of that?"
Set Yourself Free From Procrastination In Just One Hour!
Hit That Button Below To Get Started. Use this coupon code: EASY50 to get 50% off the regular price of $30 USD.
In Fact In About An Hour You'll Know Exactly Why You Procrastinate And Exactly What You Can Do About It.
Over the years I refined what my friend showed me to make it even easier to understand so I could teach others how to do this.
In this workshop you discover:
- how to locate why you avoid doing things you know you 'should be' doing, and 'have to' do, and implement a strategy that unlocks the desire to do it.
- how you can be more creative at solving problems, designing your life, and getting stuff done!
- How this one simple 'easy to do' thing will help you in your work life, volunteering, parenting - every area of your life will improve.
- the key to engaging your purpose and living a fulfilling life.
- and more...
Listen... I Owe This To You...
To do whatever I can to persuade you to get this mini workshop because I KNOW IT WILL TRANSFORM Every Area Of Your Life!
And it's at a ridiculously low price - I really shouldn't be doing this... It's only $30 ($15 AFTER you apply the discount code: EASY50) and about an hour of your time.
Plus you get a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Take the workshop, do the stuff we suggest, and see what happens. If you are not set free from procrastination and do not have more energy, creativity, and enthusiasm for your life, then we don't deserve to keep your money. We'll give it back to you - no questions asked or fine print weasel clauses. As long as you do this within 30 days. Fair enough?

Would You Like To Be Free From Procrastination In About An Hour?
Then buy this workshop right away - there's no risk to you.
Imagine, in about an hour being free from the frustration, the self judgments, the self criticism, and feeling great that you have finally cracked the code of why you procrastinate.
Your life - every area of your life - will get better today - if you take action right now.
Set Yourself Free From Procrastination In Just One Hour!
Hit That Button Below To Get Started. Use this coupon code: EASY50 to get 50% off the regular price of $30 USD.
CLICK HERE TO GET STARTEDLet Me Tell You A Couple True Stories...
True Story #1:
My friend, let's call him Doug. (not his real name, but a great name - especially if your name is Doug)
I've known Doug since 1999 when he was still in high school. Today he's a very successful entrepreneur.
Doug texted me:
"Hi, I'm Procrastination Doug, how are you today?"
"Hello Procrastination Doug," I replied, "Why are you procrastinating?"
..... "My chess coach gave me some exercises to do and I'm procrastinating doing them."
I asked, "You paying him to give you these exercises?
"So why aren't you doing the exercises?"
"I know why you're procrastinating." I offered.
"Do tell," he replied.
I went on to explain the exact reason why he was procrastinating about something HE HAD PAID FOR - and was not using, then showed him the easy little known technique to end the procrastination.
He sent this: 🤯 🤯 🤯
I sent this: *sends invoice* 😂😂
He said, "Dude, that's it? that's all I have to do?"
"Yup - it's no more complicated than that."
"That's so easy... I'm doing it now!"
He happily did the exercises and then went on to beat the pants off the next 10 players he faced in his online chess club - all of them were ranked higher than he was.

Set Yourself Free From Procrastination In Just One Hour!
Hit That Button Below To Get Started. Use this coupon code: EASY50 to get 50% off the regular price of $30 USD.
CLICK HERE TO GET STARTEDShe Realized She Could Have Friends Over Because Her Kitchen Was Clean - She Was So Happy!

True Story #2
Her name is Sally. (not her real name but a real person)
Sally attended one of our live online workshops about ending procrastination and some other things.
As she went through the training she had a number of AHAH moments about her life, and about WHY she did what she did.
2 weeks after the workshop she sent us a note:
"Dear Greg and Val. I am happy to report that my dishes are now done, and my counters are clean, and have been clean for the past 2 weeks.
No more dishes piled up in the sink for days on end."
She went on to explain that it was so bad at times that her dishes would go dirty for 2 or 3 weeks at a time.
She would only do them when she ran out of clean ones.
Part of what we taught her was withdrawing judgments toward herself and the little known technique that ends procrastination.
She applied the easy technique, and withdrew her self judgments, then suddenly she had the energy and the desire to do them.
And to keep doing them!
She was SO HAPPY!
Her kitchen was clean from then on.
- No more self loathing.
- No more self judgment.
- No more self criticism.
- No more not having friends over.
- No more frustration.
One of the things she said was, "Now I can invite friends over because my kitchen is clean!"
Her life was changed.
Are You Ready To Change YOUR Life?

Mysia W
"I watched replay. This was so refreshing, so good. I immediately thought of two areas in my life where I could immediately change my negative attitude to positive attitude. I was also challenged by one of the questions in the self assessment about not finishing a job when I start it. When I have a full day I have often start a job then get distracted and start doing something else, then something else comes along, my to do list gets longer. This has prompted me to change how I plan my day and complete jobs before moving on to the next. Thank you Greg for this excellent teaching. Will go through the worksheets now.🙂"
Set Yourself Free From Procrastination In Just One Hour!
Hit That Button Below To Get Started. Use this coupon code: EASY50 to get 50% off the regular price of $30 USD.
CLICK HERE TO GET STARTEDThe Question You Should Be Asking Is... "Will This Technique Work For Me?"
YES X 1,000,000.
If you have a pulse, and are breathing air, it'll work for you.
It's. That. Easy. To. Do.
In fact when you learn it your inside voice will say to you... "Dang, I wish I had thought of that!"
The Workshop is an hour long.
We get right into it.
Everybody's busy, and what you want is useful information that gets you a specific result that helps your life improve as soon as possible.
We promise this will happen.
Here's What You Get With The Workshop!

Instant Access To The Easy Way To End Procrastination Mini Workshop
We don't waste your time.
We get right into this and show you exactly why you are procrastinating and how to end it once and for all.
We do this in about an hour - which includes assessment and worksheet work.
Digital Access To The Following Documents

How Bad Is It Really?
We encourage you to be brutally honest in this assessment of all the major areas of your life. It helps you to truly be transformed by what you learn. The solution to any problem is embedded within the problem itself.
$27 Value

You Want To Get This Gone!
Doing life on a have to basis is horrible. You are better than that and we show you a better way to live. Locating where you are living on a have to basis will liberate you in every area of your life.
$17 Value

A Skill That Serves You For The Rest Of Your Life
When you master this skill you release your super powers to create and achieve more than you thought ever could be possible.
$97 Value
You Get All This For Only $30 USD - ONLY $15 USD When You Apply This Coupon Code: EASY50
Hit That Button Below And Get Your Copy Of The Mini Workshop PLUS the Bonus Documents! FOR A LIMITED TIME!
Bea Z
"I have struggled with this for so long and I always wondered why. This was an awesome teaching. From the time that you did the video, up until today is how long it took me to listen in and do something about this. That was procrastination right there! UGHHHH!! Thank you for teaching us!!"

Char V
"What an awesome teaching. I didn't realize I had so much have toos. I always thought I wanted to. With a score of 43 it made me realize it has been my attitude all along. I don't have too...but thank you Jesus I really want too and now that's a good start. 😊"

Allison J
"The course is a great identifier of mindset and boy does that make a difference to push one to make changes. I have been looking at a lot of things from a have to mindset which does give your power away. When I want to do something I am taking my power back and that can put a lot of pep in your step. Proverbs 19:2 is going on my fridge. Thanks for this revelation. Great teaching."