Join The Salvation Challenge Partnership Program Today And Begin Transforming Lives Immediately.

Dear Salvation Challenger;

Jesus said that the angels of God rejoice greatly - when someone gives their heart to the Lord. (Luke 15:10)

You have the opportunity to transform lives by supporting evangelism through the 5DSC Partnership Program.

And it happens RIGHT AWAY. But first...

This is where it all started... (cue the soft music. Now, imagine a camera panning to a story book and it's all blurry around the outside of the pages... work with me here...LOL... if you were 7 years old you would be so excited right now. A narrators voice begins...)

Once upon a time, not so long ago, one of our community members told us...

"I want to support evangelism in a bigger way."  Then she said, "I'm going to take some of my donation money and use it to buy 5DSC VIP access each month. I set it aside for Jesus anyways, and I thought that this was a great way to directly support evangelism." (This is an actual quote of an actual person)

What a blessing to hear that, AND, what a cool innovation!

What she didn't know was that each time she did this about 53 people joined the challenge for free. (Here's the math - imagine a whiteboard with numbers appearing on it)

The VIP is $77 USD and it costs us about $1.44 in Facebook Ad investment to persuade one person to join the Challenge. I'm guessing you saw one of those ads.

Now, what we know for certain is this: one is never just one. Meaning, you have prayed for more than one person because of the 5DSC right? I'm pretty sure we could say that at least 10 people get prayed for when one person participates in the 5DSC. Would you agree?

For every VIP purchased, around 530 people are potentially prayed for. That's pretty exciting. 

Of course, once the prayers get prayed, angels go to work, God sends labourers to sow good news seeds, and Holy Spirit goes to work to bring them to Jesus. 

Her Actions AND Intention Gave Us An Idea.

It started with a couple of questions:

  1. What if other community members felt the same way but didn't think to mention it like she did?
  2. What if they wanted to support evangelism in a bigger way but we were not giving them the opportunity? Changing lives is fun when you get to participate with it.
  3. What if we were able to create some amazing benefits, like a membership/coaching group, if they did this on a monthly basis? This way they could get real value for each monthly fee paid, and do good at the same time...

Benefits like: 

  •  supporting global evangelism through 5DSC and other missionary projects JCH operates
  • discounts on all the products in the JCH Online Store
  • 🌟 (NEW) monthly Targeted Justice Prayer Events where you get coached in the courts of heaven
  • 🌟 (NEW) quarterly Prophetic Days and Special Guests - LIVE ON ZOOM.
  • "First In Line" for new product releases, event access, and even preferred seating at live events.
  • monthly VIP access + a 'Buddy Pass' to bring a friend with you to VIP during the different monthly challenges.
  • 'Greenroom Access' during the 5DSC to hang out, talk and pray together.
  • exclusive content
  • and much more... 

You can change the world right from where you are by investing some of your donation dollars towards people coming to Jesus.

So... Are You In?

But before you answer that question there's a question you should be asking

What you should be asking is, "Do I have peace about this idea to support evangelism in this way?". The last thing we want is for you to feel 'guilted' into participating, or for you to feel like you 'have to' do this because the cool kids are doing it. You don't. We would love it if you did, but you don't have to do anything.

ONLY take action if you have peace AND you genuinely want to do it. Then you'll be blessed in doing it.

Try this:

  1. Ask the Father what He thinks about this for you.
  2. Check with Jesus to see if compassion is flowing this way for your life at this time
  3. Ask Holy Spirit how to do it. Maybe you want to but don't have enough money. Perhaps with His help you could create the money needed in some way.
  4. Do whatever the Lord shares with you.

 Now, IF the Lord gives you the green light, then the next decision is to decide which level of partnership to select.

Look Below And See 4 Choices.

We have 4 different levels which provide something for everyone who wants to take part:

You can stay as long as you want or cancel any time. The payment will happen automatically each month.

We would love for you to join this Partnership Program. It'll be so much fun!  😀 🎉 ❤️‍🔥

Our next goal is to host over 1 million people in the 5DSC. We have a ways to go, but we trust that God is in this and is helping it to come to pass!

Do you realize how many salvation prayers will be getting prayed? Do you realize how many lives will be transformed? Do you realize you will be rewarded for every prayer and salvation?

If you don't join, it doesn't change anything between us.

We will continue to love you, pray for you, and celebrate you. AND even if no one joined, we are still doing the 5 Day Salvation Challenge every month. We will still reach millions of people. This partnership is one way to participate in the blessings and rewards as people come to Jesus.

Plus, it's going to be fun. 😀 🎉 ❤️‍🔥

Thanks for reading this.


Greg and Val and the JCH Online Team

Ps. FYI, the most popular level is the Platinum $97 USD per month. For real. That's why we have all the groceries, the whole enchilada, the lock, stock AND the barrel, stuffed into that one. You should get that one...

You'll Be Helping People To Discover Jesus

As the 5DSC continues to be offered for FREE, you'll share in every single reward available for every salvation that happens as a result of joining the Salvation Challenge Partnership Program.

You'll Get Special Gifts And Perks

From great discounts in the JCH Store, to being first in line for new releases of courses, workshops and academies, to special events just for you, you'll enjoy the privileges of membership.

You Get An Enhanced Experience When You Join

Because you will be helping to spread the gospel, you will be treated to a number of awesome and hopefully rewarding experiences. You will have greater access to Greg and Val and a chance to get 'behind the scenes' at both online and live events.

Bronze Partnership
$17 USD / Month

What You Have Access To:

  • Support evangelism across the globe
  • 10% discount in the store
  • Pre release access to all new courses, workshops and academies for even better discounts
  • (NEW: Coming Soon) Exclusive content: curated archive content of over 200 videos related to the Kingdom of Heaven and your transformation. ($2,000 USD Value)


Silver Partnership
$37 USD / Month

What You Have Access To:

  • Support evangelism across the globe
  • 20% discount in the store
  • Pre release access to all new courses, workshops and intensives
  • (NEW: Coming Soon) Exclusive content: curated archive content of over 200 videos related to the Kingdom of Heaven and your transformation. ($2,000 USD Value)


Gold Partnership
$67 USD / Month

What You Have Access To:

  • Support evangelism across the globe
  • 25% discount in the store
  • 3DCZ VIP Access anytime you want
  • 3DCZ VIP Buddy Pass
  • Access to Special event Live Q&A
  • Pre release access to all new courses, workshops and academies
  • (NEW: Coming Soon) Exclusive content: curated archive content of over 200 videos related to the Kingdom of Heaven and your transformation. ($2,000 USD Value)



Platinum Partnership

  • Support evangelism across the globe (Priceless)
  • 30% discount in the store
  • 5DSC VIP access whenever you want ($924 USD Value/Yr)

  • VIP Access Buddy Pass - bring a friend with you to the VIP ($924 USD Value/Yr)

  • Online Greenroom access after the 5DSC VIP D2, for connection, talking and sometimes prayer. We have snacks...😂 ($300 USD Value/Yr)
  • (NEW) Monthly Targeted Justice Prayer Events where you get coached in the courts of heaven. ($1997 USD Value/Yr)
  • (NEW) Quarterly Prophetic Days & Special Guests LIVE ON ZOOM for interaction and community ($297 USD Value/Yr)
  • (NEW) Automatic Enrolment Into Justice And The Courts Of Heaven Course ($147 USD Value)
  • Pre Release Access to all new courses, workshops and academies for additional discounts on products.

  • (NEW: Coming Soon) Exclusive content: curated archive content of over 200 videos related to the Kingdom of Heaven and your transformation. ($2,000 USD Value)

  • Plus MORE!

Total Value = $6589 USD



Platinum Partnership: 1Yr $970

  • Support evangelism across the globe (Priceless)
  • 30% discount in the store
  • 5DSC VIP access whenever you want ($924 USD Value/Yr)

  • VIP Access Buddy Pass - bring a friend with you to the VIP ($924 USD Value/Yr)

  • Online Greenroom access after the 5DSC VIP D2, for connection, talking and sometimes prayer. We have snacks...😂 ($300 USD Value/Yr)
  • (NEW) Monthly Targeted Justice Prayer Events where you get coached in the courts of heaven. ($1997 USD Value/Yr)
  • (NEW) Quarterly Prophetic Days & Special Guests LIVE ON ZOOM for interaction and community ($297 USD Value/Yr)
  • (NEW) Automatic Enrolment Into Justice And The Courts Of Heaven Course ($147 USD Value)
  • Pre Release Access to all new courses, workshops and academies for additional discounts on products.

  • (NEW: Coming Soon) Exclusive content: curated archive content of over 200 videos related to the Kingdom of Heaven and your transformation. ($2,000 USD Value)

  • Plus MORE!

Total Value = $6589 USD