Greg and Val Kurjata

We have a passion to transform people with the good news of Jesus in the context of the reality of the Kingdom of Heaven.

You are way more powerful, capable, amazing and wonderful than you may know. When you see yourself from the heavenly perspective you'll see and know what God does about you. This is what we focus on to transform people's lives.

In January 2020, the Holy Spirit asked me (Greg) to stop going to church and to build a platform. This began the JCH Online community. Weekly broadcasts began on YouTube and Facebook in May of 2020. Now the community has grown to 10's of thousands of passionate Jesus followers across the globe.

We have extensive experience in the Courts of Heaven (We are not affiliated with Robert Henderson in any way.) This began in 2006 when I (Greg) was taken into the court of heaven by the Holy Spirit. This one encounter transformed my heart and set me on a 10 year quest to learn everything I could about this heavenly place. Out of the research, experimentation, and results from actions in the heavenly court, we created an online course. As of this edit, there are over 3,400 students enrolled and applying what they are learning. Some of their results have been astounding. You can learn more here.

One of the most exciting events we have hosted is the 5 Day Salvation Challenge. Over 4 years, we've had 175,000+ people join us to learn how to pray for their loved ones salvation through the courts of heaven. Thousands of salvations have resulted from their prayers. You can learn more here.

When you live in love you live in God and God lives in you. This reality is the basis of one of the transformative resources we have created called The God First Process. In it we reveal the list of reasons why God loves, values, trusts, and believes in you. The premise is simple. When you love yourself like God does, with the same fervency, for the same reasons as He does, then your heart will be liberated from all forms of legalism and unbelief. You'll experience what it means to be free. Truly free. You can learn more here. 

Check out our store for the full list of resources we have available.

We have been involved in various levels of ministry all of our 38 plus years of marriage. Everything from small group leaders, worship leaders, youth pastors, associate pastors, lead pastors, national board member of a Canadian denomination, and itinerate ministers.  We have 2 - now married - daughters who work together with us in our business. Our ministry context is corporate. We are an online course publishing company and online community with a Christian focus. This enables us to freely create valuable resources and be financially sustained to keep reaching more and more people.